SQL Server Full Backups - DOTNET

SQL Server Full Backups

OverviewThe most common types of SQL Server backups are complete or full backups, also known as database backups.  These backups create a complete backup of your database as well as part of the transaction log, so the database can be recovered. This allows for the simplest form of database restoration, since all of the contents are contained in one backup.
ExplanationA full backup can be completed either using T-SQL or by using SSMS.  The following examples show you how to create a full backup.

Create a full backup of the AdventureWorks database to one disk file
BACKUP DATABASE AdventureWorks TO DISK = 'C:\AdventureWorks.BAK'
SQL Server Management Studio
  • Right click on the database name
  • Select Tasks > Backup
  • Select "Full" as the backup type
  • Select "Disk" as the destination
  • Click on "Add..." to add a backup file and type "C:\AdventureWorks.BAK" an click "OK"
  • Click "OK" again to create the backup
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