Tip of The day - DOTNET

Tip of The day

Evaluation order

account_nbr account_type    account_reference
----------- --------------- -----------------
1           Personal        abc
2           Business Basic  101
3           Personal        def
4           Business Plus   5

SELECT account_nbr, account_reference AS account_ref_nbr
FROM Accounts
WHERE account_type LIKE 'Business%'
  AND CAST(account_reference AS INT) > 20;

SELECT account_nbr, account_ref_nbr
FROM (SELECT account_nbr,
             CAST(account_reference AS INT) AS account_ref_nbr
      WHEREaccount_type LIKE'Business%') AS A
WHERE account_ref_nbr > 20;

Evaluation order (solution)

SELECT account_nbr, account_reference AS account_ref_nbr
FROM Accounts
WHERE account_type LIKE 'Business%'
  AND CASE WHEN account_reference NOTLIKE '%[^0-9]%'
           THEN CAST(account_reference AS INT)

      END> 20;
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