Content Editor Web Part in SharePoint 2010-1 - DOTNET

Content Editor Web Part in SharePoint 2010-1

Note : This articles is targeted to begineers of SharePoint 2010. 

In this article we will walkthrough
  1. Adding a Web part Page
  2. Content Editor Web Part on the page.
Follow the steps as below, 

Step 1

Open SharePoint site and click on Site Action . From Site Action drop down select more option 


Step 2

Select Page option and then select Web Part page. And click on Create 


Step 3

Give a name of your choice to the page. Select a layout template. Select Share Document as place to save this page and click on Create. 

You will get page template as below, if you have selected the same layout as of mine. 

Step 4

Click on Add a Web Part and select Media and Content from categories 


Step 5

Now in Content Editor type the text.

Step 6

Click on Home page. And from Share Document Library click on MyMediaWebPart page to see the Web part added.
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